February Newsletter
Committee Reports
- Pistol/Rifle Range- Planning a Clean Up Day for the end of March, beginning of April
- Trap- No New Infor
- Archery- This years Zombie Shoot will take place on April 5th
- Banquet-This years Youth Donation was approx $1700. And the entire event netted approx $99K. We are locked in for 1 more year at The Falls (the Red Barn)
- Grants- We’ve been bumped to the next level for approval
- 501C3- still in the works
- Building/Planning- At least 1 more meeting is needed to iron out the smaller details, before a potential budget is made. (Reminder the New Clubhouse will be paid for via the Banquet funds)
Old Business
- An Ad was placed in every zone of the Yellow Paper for the next 4 weeks for both Trap kids & Bartender.
- The winner of the Fair Gun Raffle was Steve Peterson
New Business
- A new policy has been adopted for Club Rentals. There will now be a deposit, that is refunded if the Club is left clean & in good condition.
- The Youth Team has become its own entity; with that they will now have a Rental Lease with the Club (Lifetime Term with a $1 Fee)
- Trap Price Increases. In order for the Trap portion of the club prices need to be raised. Causation of this is due to cost of the Birds, Shot Shells, Maintenance on the Machines/Houses and Labor Cost as well.
- New Prices are as follows, starting April 1st:
- Trap $7; Youth Trap $5
- Doubles $10, Youth Doubles $8
- 5 Stand $8, Youth 5 Stand $6
- With this price increase Trap Card Sales will be postponed until new prices take effect.
- New Prices are as follows, starting April 1st:
- League Charters: to make things easier for new League Chairs each league will now have a Charter.
- Donation to the Hudson Gun Club Banquet- We are a Sponsor of their Banquet ($150 Fee) and have also donated a Family Membership. (If you are interested in going, please contact Steve Peterson.
- Trap Captains Meeting will be held Tue April 1st @ 7pm
- Archery Captains Meeting will be held Wed April 2nd @ 7pm
- On March 4th the Youth will be having Action Shooting starting at 6:30pm
- Dan Marten is going to investigate the potential of turning the wood area (wetlands) by the Southern Parking area into an Action Shooting Target Area